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Buyer Resources

Helping you find that place to call home

At Springston Real Estate we realize that one of the most complex and

significant financial events in a persons life can be the sale or purchase of a home,

investment property, a business, raw land, or a farm. We have years of experience

to guide you through the process taking the stress and anxiety out it. Here is how

it works using the purchase of a single family home as an example.







Few people pay cash for their home, although it does happen from time to time. Most of us require financing to purchase a home. Because of this many buyers get “pre-qualified” for a home loan. The buyer provides some basic information to the lender to determine the buyers borrowing capacity, such as current income, current debt, and available savings to use for down payment and or closing costs. Once this is done the lender provides the buyer with a “pre-qualification” letter outlining the amount of loan and the type of loan that the buyer qualifies for. This takes the guess work out of financing and allows the buyer to focus in on the homes that he or she knows are within their “price range”. This also makes your offer stronger when you find a home, since the seller knows that you have done “your home work” and are “qualified” to get a loan to purchase their property.


We have vast experience working with all types of loans and with all types of lenders. Whether it is an FHA, VA, West Virginia Housing, or a conventional loan, we have the expertise to refer you to a variety of lenders to help you “get qualified”.




Did you know that statistics show that seldom does a buyer purchase a home that they see in an advertisement. Through our multiple listing service and our personal inventory of property for sale, we have access to the most comprehensive listing inventory of available homes on the market in North Central West Virginia. So why not take advantage of our expertise and find all available properties, some of which may not even be advertised.


Our agents have vast experience to help you find your new home. We only need some general information to get started including areas or neighborhoods of interest, style of home that your like, what price range you are comfortable in, the number of bedrooms needed, and other amenities that are important to you (school district, garage(s), basement, number of bathrooms, site size, etc…).


Once we know this we can provide you with a number of properties to look at, taking the time and stress out of the process.




Once you have settled in on a home that you like we will take care of all the details and prepare an offer on the property. The offer is in writing and if accepted by the seller becomes the purchase contract. It includes such things as the price offered, the description of the property being purchased, any loan contingencies, targeted closing date, when the buyer is to take possession of the property, the inclusion of any personal property such as appliances, delineating the purchaser’s and the seller’s closing costs, clarifying any inspections required to consummate the sale such as termite inspection, home inspection, water well inspection, septic system inspection, including an appraisal contingency, etc…


An earnest money deposit is paid at the time the offer is made, and if the offer is accepted the earnest money is applied to the purchase price of the house. If the offer is not accepted the earnest money is refunded to the buyer.




As your agent we will present your offer to the seller or the seller’s agent, and explain and answer any questions they may have. The seller may take your offer “as written”, “reject your offer”, or “make a counter offer”. We will keep you posted and you will be the first to know.


Your offer may not be accepted as written and the terms may need to be “tweaked” to accommodate each party’s needs to make the sale work. You’ll call all the shots and make all of the decisions, but leave the negotiations to us; we have years of experience and have negotiated thousands of home sales.




Once an agreement (Purchase Contract) is reached with the seller, the clock starts ticking and we will guide you through the closing process. We do not want anything to fall through the cracks. Within the contract will be a time frame to consummate the sale. You will need to formally apply for you loan with your lender. We will work with your lender providing all necessary documents to move your loan along. In addition we will make sure that any contingencies in the purchase contract are taken care of such as termite inspection, home inspection, etc… We will work with the title and deed attorneys, insurance agent, etc… providing them with information that they may need.


Between the initial purchase agreement and the closing questions may arise. For example, unexpected repairs may be required to obtain financing or a cloud on the title is discovered. The required paperwork alone can be overwhelming for most buyers. Our agent is the best person to objectively help you resolve these issues and move toward the closing.




Prior to closing, your mortgage lender we will provide you with a copy of the Settlement Statement that you will be signing at closing so that there will be “no surprises”. You will know what your expenses are and how much money you will need to bring to the closing. If there is an error on the settlement statement it is easier to fix prior to closing than at the closing table.


You're not alone, we will be with you every step of the way; we will even be with you at the closing table.



Once closed and you are moved into your new home if you are happy with our work we hope you will recommend us to your friends and family for their real estate needs. After all, referrals are a large part of our business and we have been in business for a very long time.



Focus On The People.





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We are always looking for self-motivated, passionate go-getters to join our team! If interested, contact us at We'd love to meet you! 



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Springston Real Estate

222 Adams Street,

Fairmont, WV 26554

Shannon Onderko, Broker

Tel: 304.363.2128

Fax: 304.366.1236

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© 2020 by The Creative Group

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